Is King Crab Worth the Money?

Seafood is one of the main low-calorie sources of easily digestible protein. Plus, they contain important trace elements such as iodine, magnesium, phosphorus, and others. All this also applies to the king crab, which is delicious and healthy. But why is king crab so expensive? Let’s consider its nutritional properties and taste characteristics to see whether the king crab is really worth the money.

Why is king crab so expensive? The main reason why the king crab is so expensive is the decline in population and government limitations. The king crab stock in Alaska began to decline in the eighties, and it still has not recovered, despite the moratorium on fishing. King crab is subject to government limitations and is hard to catch and store. Plus, king crab’s demand far exceeds the supply. 

Is King Crab Healthy to Eat?

King crab is definitely worth the money because it enriches your body with iodine, restores the thyroid gland and hormonal levels. There is a positive effect on the cardiovascular, immune, nervous, musculoskeletal systems. Regular inclusion in the diet helps to slow down aging, stimulates digestion processes, improves the condition of hair, skin, blood vessels, and nails.

King crab is extremely healthy to eat. The benefits of a crab have been proven during periods of stress, nervous disorders, deterioration of vision, anemia. After eating crab meat, there is an improvement in mood, increased efficiency. The positive properties of the king crab include ensuring the outflow of cholesterol, restoring the water-alkaline balance, increasing muscle tone, and increasing blood flow. Also, there is an improvement in brain functions, concentration of attention, stabilization of pressure, normalization of metabolism.

King crab tastes like Sea Bass or Dorada. The king crab meat consists of dense and thick fibers like spaghetti and usually has a sweetish taste. Although some crabs of this species may be salty, it depends on the sea in which the red king crab lived.  The taste of king crab is simply magical. If you have tried it once, then finding at least something similar is unrealistic. King crab cannot be replaced by crayfish, shrimps, or small crabs.

King crab is loved for its especially large size, sweetish taste, and pleasant fibrous structure: imagine eating spaghetti, only they are not made from flour and water, but from pleasant sweetish meat. King crab weighs from 1 to 5-6 kg, although some may weigh up to 8 kg. The most delicious king crab is the one that weighs 2 to 4 kg.

The taste of meat also depends on the season. When the water temperature rises, the crabs shed their shells. Under it there is another, more delicate one, it hardens over time. At this time, there is little meat in the crab, and it is called thin. The best crabs are caught in December-February when the water is cold, and the colder the water, the tastier the meat.

King crab meat has excellent taste characteristics, rich chemical composition and at the same time contains a minimum amount of calories. In addition to the meat of the king crab, caviar can also be eaten. King crab meat contains about 20 percent proteins and only up to 1 percent of various fats.

Moreover, it is rich in microelements such as iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, iron, copper, phosphorus, and vitamins: B1, B2, B5, B6, PP, B12, A, and others.

Thanks to this composition, 100 grams of king crab meat provide almost half of the body’s daily need for vitamins and minerals. Among them, the most important is iodine, the content of which on the territory of the USA is not sufficient, therefore many are forced to take this substance in the form of drugs. Regular consumption of crab meat solves this problem.

Health Benefits of a King Crab

So, consuming crab meat allows you to:

  • Strengthen memory and increase concentration;
  • Get rid of insomnia and stress;
  • Make up for the lack of trace elements and normalize the hormonal system;
  • Strengthen the walls of blood vessels;
  • Prevent the development of pathologies of the heart and blood vessels;
  • Normalize the work of the urinary-reproductive system;
  • Normalize metabolism;
  • Strengthen the joints and bones;
  • Lose weight.

King crab will be good to eat for everyone — children, who are in the process of developing, the elderly, since crab meat for them acts as a natural immunostimulant, limiting the risk of infectious diseases and inhibiting the aging process in the body, pregnant women who need a high content of biologically active substances, the sportsmen for whom the king crab meat is a source of the necessary protein, not accompanied by layers of fat.

See also: What Does Crab Taste Like? Is It Sweet or Fishy?

For most people, king crab is a valuable source of nutrients that can help reduce the risk of developing the disease and increase vitality. The only exception is the presence of hypersensitivity to seafood, and allergy sufferers should not use crab meat.

King crab is a low-fat crustacean family with only 82 calories per 100 grams. Seafood has excellent nutritional properties, including a high dose of omega-3 fatty acids, protein, and many vitamins and minerals, making crab meat an ideal addition to your diet and your healthy diet.


The body is constantly breaking down protein and an adequate intake of nutrients is essential for the repair of your muscles and tissues. The crab is a complete source of protein, which means it supplies each of the 20 amino acids your body needs to make new proteins. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the daily protein recommendation for women is 46 grams and for men 56 grams.


King crab meat is an excellent source of magnesium, phosphorus, selenium, zinc, and copper. One limb contains 84 milligrams of magnesium or 20 percent of the RDI; 375 milligrams of phosphorus, or more than 50 percent of the RDA; 53.5 mcg selenium and 10.2 mg zinc, nearly 100 percent DV for each; and 1.6 milligrams of copper, or about 75 percent of the DV. These minerals serve a variety of functions in the body, including red blood cell and protein formation, healthy bones, and immune system function. Since the king crab is a marine species, the limbs of the king crab are high in sodium. One limb contains more than 1,400 mg of sodium.

See also: What Does Shrimp Taste Like? Yay or Nay?

Vitamin B12

Crab is an impressive source of vitamin B12, you need 2.4 mcg every day. There is 9.78 mcg per 100 g of crab meat. Vitamin B12 enables the body to produce healthy red blood cells. This vitamin also supports normal brain function. Getting enough vitamin B12 can lower your risk of heart disease, according to the National Institutes of Health.


Most of the fat in king crab is unsaturated fat (0.2 grams of monounsaturated fat and 0.7 grams of polyunsaturated fat). Crab is rich in a class of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids known for their health benefits (found in all seafood): Omega-3 fatty acids. One serving provides 614 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids, making it an excellent food source for this nutrient. According to the American Cardio Association, Omega-3 fatty acids are anti-inflammatory and help prevent low-density lipoprotein (LDL, or “bad” cholesterol, which can stick to the walls of arteries).

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