Can I Eat Scallops Everyday? Pros & Cons Of Eating Scallops

Fans of a healthy lifestyle are well aware that seafood is a minimum of calories and a maximum of vitamins and minerals. But if shrimps, mussels and crabs have already found their admirers all over the world, then scallops remain something mysterious for many people. But this is a truly unique product from the point of view of health! Can we eat scallops every day, though? What are the pros and cons of eating scallops every day?

Can I eat scallops every day? You can eat scallops every day as scallops are one of the healthiest seafood and contain micro-and macroelements like iodine, sulfur, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt, molybdenum, polyunsaturated omega acids and multivitamin complex: B1, B12, PP, A with just 69 kcal per 100 g.

Scallops have many useful properties that make them one of the healthiest seafood. Let’s dive into the pros and cons of eating scallops every day.

Can I Eat Scallops every day? Pros & Cons Of Eating Scallops

How often can you eat scallops? According to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, we should eat at least 8 ounces of fish/shellfish per week. You can eat scallops as often as every day, but to vary your diet, eat scallops 2-3 times a week and include other seafood like shrimps, crabs, lobsters, oysters, salmon, mussels in your diet.

Scallop Nutrition Data

  • Calorie content — 69 kcal.
  • Fat — 0.49 g
  • Proteins — 12.06 g
  • Carbohydrates — 3.18 g
  • Water — 82.53 g
  • Ash — 1.74 g

A scallop contains 3.2 g of carbohydrates per 100 g of product, which is approximately 20% of the total energy per serving, or 13 kcal. Of the fat-soluble vitamins, only vitamin A is present in the scallop. Of the water-soluble vitamins, vitamins B1, B2, B3 (PP), B4, B5, B6, B9 and B12 are present.

Scallop Vitamin Content Table

Vitamin A 1.0 μg
Vitamin B1 0.3 mg
Vitamin B2 0.5 mg
Vitamin B3 0.7 mg
Vitamin B4 65.0 mg
Vitamin B5 0.2 mg
Vitamin B6 0.1 mg
Vitamin B9 16.0 μg
Vitamin B12 1.4 μg

Scallop Mineral Content Table

Calcium  6.0 mg
Iron  0.4 mg
Magnesium  22.0 mg
Phosphorus  334.0 mg
Potassium  205.0 mg
Sodium  392.0 mg
Zinc  0.9 mg
Copper  0.5 mg
Manganese  0.2 mg
Selenium  12.8 μg

Is It Healthy to Eat Scallops?

Scallops are extremely healthy to eat. Scallop contains practically no fats and carbohydrates, but it is extremely rich in protein. In 100 g of scallops, there is only 69 kcal. 100 g of scallop fillet contains 150 times more iodine than 100 g of beef. And that’s not counting other useful trace elements like cobalt, magnesium, zinc.

The scallop holds the record for vitamin B12, which is essential for the normal functioning of the nervous system, and its regular use helps to lower cholesterol levels and helps to lose weight.

The properties of scallops have been studied for a long time. The nutritional value of scallop has made it one of the favorite foods in many cuisines around the world. The meat may not seem very appetizing in appearance, but when cooked correctly, it tastes great. Scallops are healthy as they contain:

  • healthy protein that is perfectly absorbed;
  • unsaturated fats;
  • amino acids and lipids;
  • vitamins and minerals.

Tryptophan regulates appetite and improves mood. Are scallops fattening? According to USDA, scallops contain only 0.49 g of fat, but its amount is negligible, and it will not lead to weight gain.  Scallops are truly dietary products. Scallops also contain glycine, taurine, amino acids that prevent gaining weight and obesity.

Scallops are high in protein and, at the same time, low in calories. That allows you to fill your body with a large supply of minerals, polyunsaturated acids and almost all multivitamin complexes without fear for your body. The benefits of scallops are also known for men. Scallops help to increase sex drive, regulate reproductive function and can heal impotence. Seafood has long been known as an excellent aphrodisiac.

There are many minerals in scallops. A small serving contains a quarter of our daily value for selenium, recognized as the strongest antioxidant that slows down the aging process. Iodine is of great importance for our body.

Are Sea Scallops Healthy?

Sea scallops are healthy as they:

  • strengthen the nervous system and bone tissue;
  • improve the functioning of the thyroid gland;
  • prevent and treat atherosclerosis;
  • serve as a building material for body cells;
  • build muscle and fight excess fat;
  • well strengthen masculine strength;
  • improve the condition of nails, skin and hair;
  • rejuvenate the body;
  • have a beneficial effect on immunity;
  • stabilize and normalize the work of the stomach and pancreas;
  • cure psycho-emotional disorders;
  • remove excess and “bad” cholesterol from the blood;
  • provide stable work of muscles, ligaments and tendons;
  • promote the production of easily digestible protein in the body, which is considered a building material for all cells;
  • activate metabolic processes at the intercellular level;
  • increase the level of testosterone produced;
  • strengthen masculine strength, maintaining potency for a long time.

The benefits of scallops were known in ancient Greece. There it was used not only as food but also as a remedy. The rich composition of scallops suggests that they are useful for everyone. Their meat is recommended for people suffering from bone and joint diseases associated with a lack of calcium. The scallop is especially useful for children during the intensive growth of the skeleton and for the elderly when calcium is gradually washed out of the bones. A small serving of scallops meets the daily requirement for riboflavin and thiamine.

What is scallops’ nutritional value? 100 g contains 18 g of protein, which is the basis for building muscle tissue in athletes. The calorie content of the scallop is low — no more than 69 kcal per 100 g. Fats in scallops remove bad cholesterol from the vessels and help to reduce the manifestation of atherosclerosis.

Scallops contain a lot of important amino acids and trace elements, a lot of A, B, PP vitamins. A large amount of potassium, calcium, magnesium in scallops is also important. Scallops contain manganese, copper and selenium. To get the most out of the scallop, make sure the scallop meat is fresh before buying. It should have a milky or slightly pinkish color.

The scallop is rich in calcium, and this bio calcium is completely free of toxins, does not have a harmful effect on the body. Therefore it is recommended to include it in the diet of children with a lack of a trace element.

The unique composition of seafood has a healing and health-improving effect on the body. Scallops are rich in tryptophan, which regulates appetite and improves mood, and selenium has a strong antioxidant effect. Collagen in scallops is extremely beneficial for women, as it improves the condition of hair, skin and nails.

In Asian countries, scallop is one of the main ingredients for dishes of people with atherosclerosis, blood clots, post-infarction conditions since a large amount of polyunsaturated acids in its composition helps to cleanse blood vessels from cholesterol plaques. For patients with impaired blood supply to the brain and after a stroke, a diet with scallops helps to restore the normal functioning of higher nervous activity due to the high content of vitamin B12 and the process of formation of the myelin sheath of nerve fibers is accelerated.

Are Scallops Bad For You?

Scallops can be bad if you have an excess of calcium in the body or are allergic to them. Scallops quickly go off, so improper storage or defrosting can cause food poisoning. You can tell whether scallops are fresh by their appearance. They should be free of deposits, blueness and unpleasant odors.

Are Scallops Healthy? The Bottom Line

That said, scallops have a very rich and varied composition since their meat contains a large amount of protein, as well as minerals: magnesium, iodine, iron, phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, cobalt. It also contains polyunsaturated omega acids and a multivitamin complex.

Scallop meat is considered dietary since it is low in calories, low in fat and low in carbohydrates. Scallops are rich in vitamin B12, thiamine, riboflavin, and it is also the best source of calcium. Biocalcium is not toxic and does not have a harmful effect on the human body. Therefore it is useful to give scallops to children who have a lack of calcium.

Scallop meat reduces blood cholesterol levels, normalizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the nervous, endocrine and cardiovascular systems, increases the overall tone of the human body. A large amount of iodine in the composition of scallops, as well as a high biological value, make it possible to recommend them as a necessary product in the diet of patients with atherosclerosis.

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