Donkey cheese (Pule) is the new superfood. Donkey cheese, worth $ 1,000 per kilogram, is produced exclusively in Serbia and is not only the most expensive cheese in the world but also the healthiest!
Today, more and more people refuse to consume cow’s milk due to intolerance to cow protein. The new superfood is donkey cheese, which has a number of advantages. Donkey cheese’s benefits are: it has 60 times more vitamin C than regular milk, as well as protein, calcium and omega-3 fatty acids; it is anti-allergenic and contains only 1% fat. Daily consumption of donkey milk or cheese can help fight asthma and bronchitis.
Is Pule Cheese Good?
Is donkey cheese good? Pule has adopted all the properties of the milk of the Balkan donkeys. It contains a large number of fatty acids, vitamins D, E, B, A, and folic acid, which is necessary for pregnant women. All these vitamins support the nervous system, improve vision and hair structure.
Read more about Donkey Cheese (Pule) — The World’s Most Expensive Cheese
Donkey cheese contains twice as much calcium and potassium twice as cow’s milk cheese. The consumption of Pule prevents the development of cardiovascular and other diseases. Along with this, the skeletal system, teeth, legs are strengthened, and the skin’s condition improves.
Donkey milk is very similar in composition to breast milk. Some experts believe that its properties are the closest of all animal products to human milk. Donkey cheese contains up to 3.5% of proteins, 2% of fat and 4.8$ of carbohydrates. The calorie content of donkey cheese is about 250 kcal per 100 g.
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What are the benefits of donkey milk? Donkey milk contains about 300 different nutrients — amino acids, proteins, phospholipids, unsaturated fatty acids, enzymes, antioxidant substances, basic vitamins and minerals, biologically active substances.
Donkey milk benefits:
- Antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-allergenic effects. It restores the intestinal microflora.
- A pronounced immunomodulatory activity.
- Active enzymes determine the lipolytic effect, as well as the biosynthesis of collagen known since antiquity.
Donkey milk contains antioxidants that help the body stay young and healthy. It also contains lipolytic enzymes that improve the breakdown of fat molecules in the gastrointestinal tract. Therefore, it is recommended to accompany any meal with donkey milk, as the food will be absorbed and digested better.
Donkey milk is considered especially useful and valuable in comparison with other types of milk. Since ancient times, it was used not only for food but also as a cosmetic product. For example, in ancient Rome, women had donkey milk baths believing that this would preserve their beauty and prolong their youth. Research has shown that the substances in this milk stimulate the synthesis of collagen, which is known to be the structural basis of the skin. So donkey milk is indeed a kind of analogue of the “elixir of youth”.
Modern studies of useful properties of donkey milk and cheese have begun quite recently and have not been fully studied. It is only known for certain that donkey milk, being a natural and anti-allergenic product, does not bring any harm to the body unless you have individual intolerance.
The only donkey cheese producer in the world is Slobodan Simic, the owner of a donkey farm near Belgrade. Today his herd has 300 donkeys, which are milked 3 times a day. One kilogram of cheese requires 25 liters of fresh donkey milk, and donkeys produce much less milk than cows or goats. This is probably why the cost of cheese is rather high — $ 1000 per kilogram.
Who Should Not Consume Donkey Milk and Cheese?
It is not recommended to eat donkey cheese in large quantities for people with stomach diseases: peptic ulcer, gastritis and others. If you have diseases of the pancreas and kidneys, you should also not eat Pule cheese not to cause complications. In case of obesity and type 2 diabetes, you should not eat donkey cheese. Donkey milk has a fat content of at least 35%, which is a fairly high figure.
Pule Cheese Benefits
Hippocrates used donkey milk in various combinations and combinations with other remedies to treat many diseases. Due to its versatile and rather unique properties, donkey milk and cheese are used in case:
- neutralization of snake venom;
- joint pain;
- constipation;
- asthma;
- stomach ulcer;
- sore throat;
- poor immunity;
- osteoporosis and bone injury;
- treatment of tuberculosis and, in general, cough of any kind.
Donkey cheese is rich in lactose and contains antibacterial enzymes and anti-allergenic compounds. The lactose content in donkey milk is the closest to that of humans, determining its proximity and adaptability when choosing replacement nutrition for infants. Donkey cheese has rare proteins and ceramides, which are involved in collagen biosynthesis. It contains specific enzymes and biologically active substances that determine the unique properties of this milk.
Like any other milk, donkey milk is a nutritious product and a source of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, especially calcium. Researchers from the University of Naples in Italy, who presented their results at the European Conference on Obesity in Constantinople, compared the digestibility of donkey’s milk with cow’s milk.
Experiments have shown that both types of milk provide the same calories, but donkey milk causes more weight loss due to an increase in metabolic rate. This is provided by lower triglyceride levels. Donkey milk is most suitable for the human body and is better and more organic than cow, goat, skim, and others; it has a pronounced hypoallergenic effect.
Donkey milk is shown to normalize lipid metabolism, as it has the ability to break down fats in the body and suppress hunger. Another advantage is the availability of healthy and highly digestible proteins and proteins necessary for building muscle.
Since donkey milk improves the overall metabolism of the body and contains many useful and nutritious substances, it serves as an excellent food product for the elderly. Along with the listed properties of this product, in which assimilable calcium prevents osteoporosis, donkey milk has its own unique anti-aging effect. Antioxidants’ presence makes donkey milk, along with green tea and red wine, an effective means of fighting free radicals in the body. Therefore, the introduction of donkey milk into the diet slows down the aging of the body.