What Does Escargot (Snail) Taste Like?

The word “escargot” is probably not new for most people who are familiar with French cuisine or at least with classical literature. The dish is considered elite, and it is served in the best restaurants in the world. Escargot has a high nutritional value and a very exquisite taste. At the same time, even its regular consumption does not create problems with excess weight.

What does escargot (snail) taste like? Escargot has a creamy, buttery taste and a soft texture. Escargot’s taste reminds fried chicken with mushrooms as it is often served with butter or cream sauce. Some people compare escargot’s taste to raw protein. Escargot is a herbivore, thus its taste also reminds herbs.

A snail is a herbivore, and the meat has a unique taste. Therefore, processing and additional components play an important role in taste, perception, harmonious combination.

Are snails tasty? Snails are very tasty because of their unique texture and taste. The snail itself has a herbal hue and reminds fried mushrooms with chicken. Snails have become a popular delicacy and are appreciated all over the world. Snails are cooked in various sauces and their taste won’t leave anyone indifferent.

Snails can be cooked in various ways. French cuisine recipes recommend boiling, baking, seasoning snails with a variety of sauces and spices, and even putting them on fire with cognac (“flambé”). Before cooking, the snails are carefully sorted. Usually, they select the biggest snails, clean them, marinate in wine and cook.

Are snails nice to eat? Snails are nice to eat as they are fed on organic products and are very healthy. Chefs add herbs and garlic to escargots, as well as Dijon mustard, peanuts, walnuts, or even hot pepper to make snails even tastier. Snails are often served with melted butter that gives the snails a creamy hue and soft texture.

What Goes Well With Escargot (Snails)?

Snails go well with:

  • broccoli,
  • zucchini,
  • tomatoes,
  • pumpkin seeds,
  • salad mixes,
  • cereal,
  • cheese,
  • asparagus,
  • carrot,
  • mushrooms,
  • bell peppers and other vegetables.

The escargot is quite fatty, which means that the second product of the meal should be simple, light, not greasy. A glass of dry white or semi-sweet wine, will brighten the evening and enrich the taste.

Why Do People Eat Escargot?

People eat escargot as it contains many useful substances: vitamins A, E, K, PP and the whole group B, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, lectin, protein, selenium, copper and phosphorus. There is practically no cholesterol. Snails contain a lot of magnesium, which has a calming effect on the nervous system, helps in combating stress, and improves lipid metabolism.

French people love snails and eat them all the time. The French consider escargot to be an excellent aphrodisiac and often choose this dish for a romantic dinner. Women are convinced that escargot increases their fertility, while men believe snails have a positive effect on potency.  Also, snails are high in protein and low in fat.

The French are a nation for which food has become a whole art. Foie gras, all kinds of mousses, parfaits, terrines, artichokes, quiches, soft spicy cheeses, aromatic and crunchy baguettes, freshly caught shellfish — this is all about the country’s famous gastronomic heritage. Among culinary delights, snails occupy a special place — it is a dish rich in protein and mineral salts.

The beneficial and nutritional properties of the snail have long been proven and documented. These properties are so important that snails can worthily take a high place in the food pyramid. Even in ancient Greece, Hippocrates studied the properties of the mucus of this amazing mollusk. He found that snail mucus has beneficial effects on skin hydration, regeneration and healing. Hippocrates also believed that the use of snails in food has a positive effect on the treatment of hernias and various diseases of the stomach.

The Venetians used snails medicinally by mixing them with syrup. This mixture has been used to treat lung diseases. Mixed mucus with sugar was used to heal the throat, and shellfish themselves helped with arthritis and various parasites. After long oblivion, towards the end of the 19th century, their popularity increased again due to the spread of rumors about the beneficial properties and delicious taste. Only in 1960 was the cultivation of snails on specialized farms resumed and with this the use in pharmaceuticals and later in cosmetology.

Escargot is a great appetizer or aperitif. Most often they are served with white dry wine. The slight sourness of young white wine slightly mutes the creamy taste of butter and emphasizes the piquant forest notes of the unique taste of snail meat. This combination of flavors is more common in France.

The Spaniards cook snails in sauces with various aromatic spices, herbs and tomatoes, and always with the addition of chili. The Spaniards eat snails with a cold beer.

Cooking snails around the world is a tradition that has developed over the years. Snails are cooked with butter, tomatoes or olive oil. But in each country and province, there are certain traditions of serving and preparing snails.

In France, exquisite wines are served with delicious snails baked with butter. In Spain, snails are considered a family dish, prepared for a large company and served with beer. Therefore, you can choose how to eat snails and what to serve them with and create your own traditions of cooking and eating this dietary product.

What Should You Know About Escargot?

Special types of grape snails for escargot are usually raised in the famous Burgundy vineyards. Snails are perfect for any occasion, be it a business lunch, a romantic dinner, or just for meeting with friends. According to the rules of good taste, light cold snacks are usually added to escargot with the best varieties of dry white wine. Like nothing else, they are able to fully open the delicate taste of grape snail meat.

Snails are served in special dishes, as well as special cutlery, consisting of a clamp for the shell and a two-pronged fork. Escargot is served hot. The entire “technological chain” of preparation of escargot is so complex and requires the knowledge and skills of a real specialist. That is why escargot is very expensive.

Escargot can be served at different times of the day, for example:

  • Breakfast. Snails and omelet with tomatoes, bell peppers, herbs, as well as rye or white bread toast will be perfect. Toasts will perfectly absorb ghee with herbs. Snail fillets will saturate the body with protein, vitamins, omega fatty acids.
  • Lunch. Snails will provide an energy boost to help you complete your workday properly. Therefore, you can add rice to the escargot, as a side dish, or grilled vegetables, without excess oil. Also, an excellent component to combine with this dish can be durum wheat pasta without oil and vegetable salad. Fiber, contained in pasta, will give additional energy, while vegetables will provide vitamins and a feeling of satiety. Snails will offer a daily amount of protein and microelements.
  • Dinner. Snails will make a perfect light dinner helping your digestion. Grilled, stewed or fresh vegetables, porridge, cheese slices with snails are perfect for this.

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